What is a Co-op Preschool?
A cooperative preschool is a member-driven preschool that brings together parents and caregivers with skilled educators to collaboratively provide a rich learning experience for children.
Caregivers are joint owners in our preschool operation. While teachers run classroom activities, caregivers and teachers work together to maintain, beautify, and run our preschool. Members of our preschool are required to participate in activities that keep our preschool functioning.*
Fall 2016 Work Party
At Bothell Family Cooperative Preschool caregivers assist in their child's class once a week. They are assigned to a learning center where they facilitate learning and play through art, sensory experiences, and dramatic play. Caregivers coach, guide, and interact with the children—in the classroom, during circle time, and in outside play—modeling appropriate behavior while still encouraging independent thought and creativity in the children.
At Bothell Family Cooperative Preschool we believe in the power of community. We strive to help families feel supported, known, cared for, and respected. The community is created by our members—both in the class and throughout the preschool. During the year, a variety of social events, such as family nights, informal park dates, and adult-only evenings, give members an opportunity to gather. In this way, our preschool community extends beyond the classroom, as many long-term friendships are formed for both the children and adults.
We also make it a priority to support our greater community through food and clothing drives, our Little Free Pantry, our annual Screen Free event, and more.
Parent Education
Bothell Family Cooperative Preschool is an affiliate of the Shoreline Community College Cooperative Preschool Program, which means adult members are enrolled in a credit course in parent education that takes place alongside the children's learning experience. This affiliation greatly benefits the preschool, as SCC tuition paid by our members greatly subsidizes teachers' salaries, and keeps our tuition low. For members, there are some great perks that come with being a SCC student. Parent Education occurs through several forms:
Small group parent education meetings in the classroom give caregivers opportunities to learn skills and strategies for supporting their child’s development. These occur weekly, with half of the caregivers participating every other week.
Evening parent education meetings allow monthly discussion on how things are going in the classroom and planning for upcoming activities.
Quarterly all-preschool events bring speakers from the community in to share expertise on preschool development and parenting topics.
In order to support the functioning of the preschool and keep tuition costs low, each family commits to assisting in school operations as well as cleaning and maintaining the facility and grounds.
Families make the following yearly commitments*:
Serving as a board member or holding a committee job (roles can range from facility maintenance, preparing materials for classes, purchasing supplies, communications, fundraising, etc.)
Participating in one of two Saturday work parties to maintain the preschool grounds
Cleaning an area of the school one to three time during the year, depending on the class(es) they are enrolled in
Everyone's role is important and there are ample opportunities to connect with parents in other classes, building community as we work together.
Fundraising helps cover the costs of running a high-quality preschool, while keeping out-of-pocket tuition costs for families low, and providing need based scholarships. We encourage members of our community to participate in a number of fundraisers throughout the year. Past fundraising efforts have included selling holiday wreaths, restaurant “night out” events, and an online auction, along with support through Amazon Smile and grocery store reward partnerships. Our goal is to continue to fundraise while also supporting our preschool's mission and building community.
In addition, as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we welcome financial donations, and encourage your support via Amazon Smile when you shop at Amazon.